Major Arrowverse Character Meets Their End In Legends of Tomorrow Season Finale

The season finale of Legends of Tomorrow brought a series of bombshells that (quite literally) sent shockwaves throughout the DCTV/Arrowverse.

While the episode was full of characters meeting their demise, many of them were retconned due to the show's time travel nature. One death, however, is certainly going to stick for the rest of the Arrowverse - and with very good reason.


After outsmarting the rest of the Legion of Doom, the team was face-to-face with Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash (Matt Letscher). The former The Flash villain, and leader of the Legion throughout Legends' second season, had left the fight to get reinforcements, and he most certainly succeeded in that front. Thawne brought a series of his duplicates from different points in time, creating a seemingly unstoppable army to face off against the Legends.

As Thawne and his duplicates began taking out the Legends, Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) got hold of the Spear of Destiny, and used it to make one big change in Eobard's plan.

When Eobard eventually got the Spear back, it no longer worked. This created just enough of a window of time for Black Flash - the monsterous version of another former Flash villain, Hunter Zolomon/Zoom (Teddy Sears) - to locate Thawne and kill him.


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