Latest Trailer For King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword Online

With King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword's May release date a little more than a month away, it's time for that traditional mile marker in a movie's marketing march – the "final" trailer. While we're sure there will be clips and TV spots to follow, be warned that this shows a fair chunk of the story, so if you're looking to go in without knowing too much, you may want to skip it. Everyone else? Watch away...

Click here to watch trailer

Making it look for all the world like a blend of Snow White And The Huntsman and the Arthurian legends, here we have Charlie Hunnam's main man raised in a brothel and then the streets after his royal family (including father Uther Pendragon, played by Eric Bana) was slaughtered by his evil uncle Vortigern (Jude Law). But as Vortigern's grip on the kingdom grows, so do the powers and people allying against him.


And while Arthur initially has no desire to grasp his destiny, there's no denying he's filled with drive, fury and a little something extra that comes in handy. Especially when you start swinging a bloody great sword around...

Guy Ritchie's been wrangling this one into shape, and looking to spark a new franchise. With Annabelle Wallis, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey and Djimon Hounsou also in the cast, the movie will be out on 12 May. If this one succeeds, we firmly expect to see Arthur's encounter with a mocking French knight chronicled in King Arthur: Silly English Kniggits


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