Box Office: The Most Successful Hollywood Movies Based on Manga

Manga are Japanese comics and for this very short list I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Since Ghost in the Shell is out today I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at what came before it. Full disclosure, this was not a good idea. Now I could’ve bent the rules a bit, include Hollywood movies based on Japanese work in general, be it manga, anime or whatever else. But no, I’m not going to do that so to be included on this list a movie must be based on something that started as a manga. The fantastic Edge of Tomorrow for example is based on a Japanese light novel which has manga style illustration, but isn’t actually a manga. So that’s sadly not in, same goes for anything that was first an anime. What did I eventually find? Well only 4 titles, and one of those is actually a Japanese-United States co-production. So without further ado here are the top 4 highest grossing Hollywood (ish) movies based on Manga. 1. Oldboy (2013) – $4.9 million A lousy remake...